It's good.
the level of difficulty is the problem with this one. too many zombie spawns at the beginning. let me call it overkill. and the worse is LUCK. a hint is that the treasures are hidden in in the places you least expect. it comes in random every time you play a new game. but i noticed one major areas that are not too obvious each time.examples are on the apartments. the technique is just to look for the weapons on those ignored places. once you get the semi automatic rifle on each hand and an assault carbine one the other it will all be easy.companions having high powered guns will also do their job. (for those players having problems with aimlessness of bots, they only need to be equipped with guns to be efficient. here is where you have to hunt good for weapons on apartments and houses.) the trick is finish the searches on maps 1 and 2 and don't stay too long on the succeeding cities as you will not survive. move along fast if you can. if you ever get grenades, don't push your luck. they don't do good. use the cylinders and other traps wisely. don't overdo it on a single encounter for you will need it on the succeeding ones. i give it an 8 though. i enjoyed the first one as everyone does. needs a few tweaks.